Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moral of the Story: Don't get StraightTalk >=[

So.. I finally decided to stop being upset about the whole boyfriend/guy friend situation. All I wanted was to talk to my boyfriend today and I knew things would be fine. My boyfriend is, let's say, stuck in the stone age. He has no idea how to use a computer nor does he own one! So when it comes to adding minutes to his straighttalk phone, guess who's the boss.. Finally, last night his monthly plan ended and I had to make sure I refilled it so that I could talk to him and stop being such a worrisome little girl. I refilled it, blah-d-blah blah... I woke up this morning and went to call him and all I got was a busy tone! Over, and over, and over and over! Calling his house didn't work at all. Really, who answers house phones anymore right? Apparently they're over rated. Perfect conditions to make an already worried girlfriend even more paranoid. So I finally figure out the issue... he can text but he can't send or receive calls! He wants me to talk to tech support of course. Come to find out, the 'last four digits of [his] phone number have been compromised'.....



Honestly, I have no idea what it means, all I know is this means that I'm going to have to sit on the phone with some techy that can barely speak my language.. not fun. Oh, and I need the serial number on the phone to be able to do this.. Well guess what. The phone is two hours away, so that is not going to happen. Doing the smartest thing possible, I chose to google the apparent issue. Some lady was saying that this happened to her continuously and that they tried billing her multiple times and when she called they would tell her that there was no record of her ever being charged or even buying a plan! This better NOT happen to me or that phone is soooooo out the back window of my car.

How aggrivating, right?!

On a lighter note.,,,

Someone threw up in the hallway today..
First, shit in the shower, now throw-up in the hallway.
It's going to be an eventful year with plenty of bodily excretions so it seems..

Scratch the lighter note thing..
That's just NASTY.

Anyways, leave comments for me and stuff :)

<3 Rah

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